Monday, October 5, 2009

Song Poll

We're trying to put together a decent catalogue of covers to choose from, and since the job of any decent cover band is to play the songs that the audience wants to hear, you might as well tell us what those tunes are.

So what songs would just make your day, get your in a dancing mood and make you buy more beers than is advisable?

Visit our facebook page:
or email us @ to make your suggestions


No Spoon

Monday, September 28, 2009

New Gear

No Spoon has recently acquired a new PA system! The board has 12 inputs, with outputs for up to 4 speakers. Now we will be louder than ever.
Guitarist Saro Masbanajian has also picked up a 2007 Gibson Les Paul Standard.
Bassist Emily McCann has, not to be outdone by Saro, picked up a new Fender Bass.
Finally, not to be left out, drummer Ken Verge has picked up a set of Electronic drums. Now he can practice in his apartment without driving the landlord crazy. Volume control is a wonderful thing.
Keep up with the blog for more band news.

Thank you

No Spoon

Monday, September 7, 2009

Official Website Up

Hi all,

The No Spoon official website is up and running. check it out at You can check out our pics, keep up to date with our callender, and book us for events, parties and shows. More content will be added soon.


No Spoon

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Drummer search 2009 is over

No Spoon's drummer search is over. And the winner is Ken Verge. Welcome to the band Ken!
We look forward to rocking local Toronto bars with you in the near future. Stay tuned for more band news, show info, music, & pictures.


No Spoon

Monday, August 31, 2009


Hi everyone. Welcome to the official No Spoon blog spot. We are a new Toronto band covering some of the best rock music of the past four decades. We'll be playing shows around Toronto soon. Keep checking this blog for details on shows, pictures, and band news. Hope to see you all at our shows.


No Spoon